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Emerging Technologies

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Intelligent Learning Management Systems (ILMS): Implications for teaching and learning

By Lilian H. Hill, Simone C. O. Conceição / December 20, 2024

Intelligent learning management systems (ILMS) are transforming education by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These systems automate administrative tasks, offer personalized learning experiences, and boost student engagement. This article explores the benefits and challenges of ILMS, highlighting how AI can predict learner behavior, customize educational content, and optimize curriculum management. It also delves into the ethical considerations of AI in education, such as data privacy and algorithmic bias. Finally, the article provides insights into the impact of ILMS on teaching and learning and concludes with a discussion of the future of ILMS. » [Full Article]

Fifteen Technologies to Enliven Online Teaching and Learning

By Jacob Aroz, Elizabeth Larson, Jean Mandernach / April 25, 2024

Harnessing the power of instructional technology, educators can drastically enhance the learning experience by infusing their curriculum with digital tools specifically chosen to align with their teaching objectives. The article highlights 15 such technologies--Canva, Genially, Waklet, Quizizz, Flip, Flipsnack, PowToon, Anchor, Bitmoji, Loom, Padlet, Google Jamboard, Moovly, Edpuzzle, and Clarisketch--each providing unique opportunities for creating engaging content, fostering interaction, and enabling collaboration in the digital classroom. » [Full Article]

Utilizing Advanced Technologies for eLearning in Clerkship

By Eulho Jung, Anita Samuel / March 27, 2024

The clerkship phase in medical school is pivotal for clinical training. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the adoption and implementation of educational technology in medical education became inevitable, leading most medical schools to shift toward distance learning. While technologies cannot entirely replace hands-on clinical teaching, faculty members have devised effective ways to utilize technology, such as virtual patients, virtual reality, first-person video streaming, simulators, gamification, and mobile apps. This article provides a summary of the technologies employed, the challenges associated with them, and the advantages and instructional outcomes resulting from their use. » [Full Article]

Enhancing Podcasting by Leveraging AI

By Andrea Austin, Anita Samuel / October 12, 2023

This article explores how generative AI tools can be used in the different steps of creating a podcast, from the planning stage to publicizing the podcast. Educators can find podcasting a daunting task. The suggestions in this article will walk a person through the process of creating a podcast and provide examples of tools that can be used to make the process easy. » [Full Article]

Three Student-Centered Approaches to Integrate ChatGPT in the Online Classroom

By Thomas Dyer, John Steele, Jean Mandernach / July 18, 2023

In response to the advent of AI technologies like ChatGPT in academia, educators should not merely react with plagiarism policies but proactively integrate such tools to enhance learning. By cultivating AI literacy, integrating AI into assignments for interactive learning, and leveraging it for idea generation, we can prepare students for a digitally advanced future, promoting critical thinking and digital literacy while ensuring thoughtful use of technology to support student growth. » [Full Article]

Teaching with QR Codes: Accessible Technology for the Novice Educator

Special Issue: Blended Learning Technologies in Healthcare

By Elizabeth V Schulz, Katherine M Ottolini / March 30, 2023

Quick response (QR) codes allow for quick and easy accessibility of just-in-time training (JiTT) for a variety of online materials. They are becoming more widely utilized to share educational materials, with potential vast applications for health professions education. In this article, we describe the development of a novel video-based equipment skills training curriculum incorporating QR codes and discuss the broader implications for educators. » [Full Article]

Teaching Tracheostomy Management Using VoiceThread: Reflection on the evolution of our blended coaching approach

Special Issue: Blended Learning Technologies in Healthcare

By Jennifer C. Benjamin, Weichao Chen, Satid Thammasitboon / February 17, 2023

Developing pediatric resident trainees' proficiency in managing and troubleshooting tracheostomy issues is critical for the intensive care of children with medical complexity. Tracheostomy management, involving a set of complex technical and non-technical skills, are traditionally taught in simulation centers. The COVID pandemic, however, has posed a challenge to our in-person coaching, prompting us to explore the innovative use of VoiceThread to teach these skills using a blended approach. In this paper, we report the evolution from VoiceThread-based completely asynchronous coaching towards blended coaching, and we discuss the optimization of blended coaching into Just-in-Time Coaching. We demonstrate that the development of instructional approach was based on our critical analysis of different modes of teaching, reflection on lessons learned and best practices from implementation, and review of relevant literature. » [Full Article]

Finding the Right Tools for Your Classroom's Tech Needs

By Georgia Konstantinou / January 13, 2023

In Educational Duct Tape, Jake Miller compares, contrasts, and selects a plethora of technology tools for educators in a creative and entertaining way. By offering snapshots from his personal and professional life, the author created a pleasant and easy-to-read book. He emphasizes that technology should not be employed as the end objective, but rather as a means to an end. Throughout the book, he argues that educational technology tools should be utilized to solve classroom problems, address learning objectives, and accomplish specific goals exactly as we use duct tape to mend minor problems in our daily lives. » [Full Article]

Harnessing the Power of Natural Language Processing to Mass Produce Test Items

By Martin C. Yu, Taylor Sullivan / October 18, 2022

Mass production of test items involves numerous steps and takes time. Technology can play a key role in supplementing human resources whether gathering and storing source materials, communicating with subject matter experts, or synchronizing and coordinating activities during a complex or fast-paced development cycle. Our work in automated item generation (AIG) using natural language processing is one example of this process unfolding in practice. Over the past few years, there has been a surge in developments in the fields of natural language understanding and generation (NLU/NLG) regarding applications of language models developed via machine learning techniques that have yet to be applied to the area of AIG. » [Full Article]

Challenges for introducing artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of a next generation assessment approach

Special Issue: Advancing Beyond Multiple Choice eAssessment

By Brian Moon, Farima Fatahi Bayat, Sneha Nair, Andrew Slaughter / September 30, 2021

The U.S. Army sought to develop capabilities that allow for the automated or semi-automated, with greatly reduced human involvement, creation of tests and assessments. In recognizing the potential for an assessment approach that goes beyond multiple-choice, the Army chose our team to introduce and evaluate automated capabilities to author concept mapping-based assessments. This paper describes our initial approaches toward introducing efficiencies into the authoring process for concept map-based assessments. We are developing and evaluating methods to automatically generate concept maps from a knowledge domain and convert the maps into assessments for formative and summative purposes. Our initial work has sought to overcome challenges as we introduced artificial intelligence into the authoring process. » [Full Article]

Designing for Social Connectivity (Not Everyone Likes Webcams)

By William P Lord / April 30, 2021

COVID-19 has forced vast numbers of educational institutions to shift their operations from being delivered face-to-face to being delivered online. As a result, academic institutions have had to scramble to find complex solutions that meet systems-wide online teaching and learning needs. The quality of interaction that occurs between the educator and the student is crucial to the success of delivering education via online technologies, and it is incumbent on the host institution to provide a usable, effective, and satisfying form of communication all participants may communicate with while maintaining a sense of social presence. It requires little effort to compile a list of potential benefits of using webcams in educational settings. » [Full Article]