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E-Ethical-Learning: Principles and guidelines for ethical digital learning in higher education

By Asegul Hulus

Within higher education, digital learners are confronted with antiquated classifications of digital natives and immigrants, first introduced by Marc Prensky (2001), which make assumptions about their proficiency in digital literacy. This article provides a code of ethics and practical guidelines for critically examining the assumptions presented. The author has coined the term ?e-ethical-learning? to refer to a set of ethical principles and practical guidelines, which is a portmanteau of ?ethical education? and ?e-learning.?

Reimagining Online Education: Breaking down colonial barriers to learning

By Anita Samuel

eLearning, while seemingly democratizing education, carries colonial biases in curriculum, language, and technology. Decolonization requires recognizing these constraints, disrupting the status quo, and embracing alternatives. Strategies include decentering Western voices, co-creating learning experiences, challenging linguistic hegemony, bridging the digital divide, and leveraging technology for decolonization. This ongoing process fosters inclusive and equitable education by acknowledging the colonial legacy and actively dismantling it.