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Year in Review: eLearn Magazine 2018-2019

By Simone C. O. Conceicao, Anita Samuel / October 2019

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eLearn Magazine had a successful 2018-2019 year with an increase in the number of publications, establishment of a new online system for managing the submission and peer review process, publication of a second special issue, and partnership formation with another organization. The success of eLearn Magazine over this past year continued to be a team effort of all involved in soliciting and submitting articles and maintaining the standards and rigor of the publication. 

Editorial Board Changes

The Editorial Board experienced personnel changes. Some existing members resigned, and new members were recruited to join the Board. Currently, eLearn Magazine has 16 Editorial Board members of which three are new members (Praveen Krishnamurti, Suzan Koseoglu, and Jon Ernstberger).

New Online System for Managing Publications

With ScholarOne Manuscript Central, a new process for article submission was instituted in July 2018. Article submissions are solicited through the eLearn Magazine website with a link to ScholarOne Manuscript Central. Each submission is initially reviewed by the Co-EICs for scope and assigned at least two peer reviewers. Although the use of the new system involved time to learn new skills, the new features provide added advantages to the submission and review process. Alerts, reminders, templates, and reports provide efficient strategies for keeping track of the process and following up with associate editors, reviewers, and authors. 


A total of 101 articles were submitted for publication since July 2018 for which 40 submissions were rejected, with a 35.38 percent acceptance rate. Common themes in article included: academic integrity, video communication/video-based discussions, discussion forums, copyright/intellectual property, AR/VR, infographics, online retention, instructional technology (SI 2018), culturally responsive teaching, and learning myths.

Special Issue

A second special issue, co-edited by board members Aras Bozkurt and Amy Hilbelink on “Paradigm Shifts in Global Higher Education and elearning: An ecological perspective,” was published containing 13 articles. This special issue examined the paradigm shift in teaching and learning processes and the responsibility to understand it to describe a better future for the next generation from an ecological perspective. The focus is on knowledge as the new capital and its power to shape and direct the world.

Partnership with AAACE

eLearn Magazine entered a partnership with the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) in February 2019. This partnership involves supporting each other’s work and disseminating information through social media, newsletters, exhibit table at the annual conference, and website. The purpose of this partnership is to strengthen common ties among members of the two communities as a way to make a difference on an international scale.

Moving Forward to the Future

The 2018-2019 year for eLearn Magazine was a time of growth and expansion. The published articles provided new perspectives for elearning and technology advancements. The special issues and partnership with AAACE have been successful ventures that encourage pursuing similar endeavors in the future. As the magazine moves forward to the future, it will continue to solicit articles representing elearning in the corporate and K-12 sectors and expand the reach of eLearn Magazine to global audiences. 

Simone C. O. Conceição
Anita Samuel

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