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2022-2023 Year in Review and Transition to New Editor-in-Chief

By Simone C Conceicao / July 2023

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In 2022–2023, eLearn Magazine was very prolific with a high number of published articles, serialized content, increased partnerships, and an effective strategic plan developed by the eLearn editorial board. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) also embarked on a search for a new Editor-in-Chief for the 2023–2025 term. 

Editorial Content

From July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, the magazine had a 62.3% acceptance rate based on manuscript final decisions. The following shows the percentage of manuscript type submitted: article (45.9%), interview (1.6%), opinion (8.2%), review (6.6%), series on Advances in eAssessments (1.6%), series on Effective eLearning (24.6%), and the special issue “Blended Learning Technologies in Healthcare” (11.5%). A total of 40 articles were published averaging three articles per month. 

2023 Special Issue

Edited by Dr. Anita Samuel, the “Special Issue on Blended Learning Technologies in Healthcare Professions Education” published the following 10 articles:

  1. Blended Teaching in Health Professions Education 
  2. Blended Learning Technologies in Dental Education: A case study in orofacial pain 
  3. Teaching Tracheostomy Management Using VoiceThread: Reflection on the evolution of our blended coaching approach 
  4. Maintaining Social Support in The Era of Social Distancing: Transitioning an in-person family-oriented wellness event to a virtual venue 
  5. Transitioning to and Navigating Virtual Conferences as a Result of COVID 
  6. Teaching with QR Codes: Accessible technology for the novice educator       
  7. The Eyes Have It: The importance of eye contact in education and strategies to improve teaching in the virtual environment 
  8. How A Graduate Nursing Program Implemented a Virtual Oral Examination During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
  9. Using Panopto In-Video Quizzes for Online Medical Education      
  10. Raising the Bar for Asynchronous Learning in Pre-clerkship Medical Education       

Effective eLearning

The “Special Series on Effective eLearning,” edited by Dr. Jean Mandernach includes 15 opinion articles providing practical tips and will be published throughout the second half of 2023.

  1. One Interactive Approach to Gamify the Online Classroom
  2. Two Essentials for Fostering Agency in Virtual Education
  3. Three Student-Centered Approaches to Integrate ChatGPT in the Online Classroom
  4. Four Strategies for Foster Effective Online Teaching Within a Standardized Curriculum
  5. Five Learner Priorities in the Online Classroom
  6. Six Ideas for Building a Vibrant Online Professional Community
  7. Seven Strategies for More Efficient, Effective Online Instruction
  8. Eight Priorities for Instructional Videos in the Online Classroom
  9. Nine Tips for Humanizing Online Learning
  10. Ten Strategies for Fostering Instructional Presence in the Online Classroom
  11. Eleven Best Practices to Support Learners with Disabilities in the Online Classroom
  12. Twelve “No Skips” Approaches for Developing Social Presence Literacy in Virtual Education
  13. Thirteen Strategies to Increase the Impact of Assignment Feedback
  14. Fourteen Creative Assignment and Activity Ideas for the Online Classroom
  15. Fifteen Technologies to Enliven Online Teaching and Learning

Strategic Partnerships

eLearn Magazine continued to maintain its existing partnerships in 2022–23: the American Associate for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), the Learning Ideas Conference, and the Association for Educational Communications and Technologies (AECT) Conference. We also developed a new partnership with the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA). We continued to promote the magazine through conferences. This past year, we took part in AAACE, Learning Ideas, and AECT conferences.

Editorial Board Updates

During the 2022–2023 year, the editorial board continued to play an active role in the success of eLearn Magazine through article solicitation, review, and submission. Three new members, Doug Wilson, Richard Butler, and Eulho Jung, joined the board this past year.

eLearn Magazine board members met in New York City on January 12, 2023, to conduct a strategic plan. The meeting generated new ideas for the future of eLearn Magazine. Thus, there is still work to be done based on the outcomes generated during the strategic plan meeting. This successful year is because of the board members’ leadership, commitment, and proactive work in soliciting new publications, reviewing articles, recruiting new board members, and providing input on eLearning trends.

Transition to New Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Anita Samuel is the new Editor-in-Chief for the 2023–2025 term, starting July 1, 2023. Dr. Samuel has been a member of the editorial board for the last six years and was the Co-Editor-in-Chief with Dr. Conceição for the 2017–2020 term. Dr. Samuel’s experience and expertise in online learning will be an asset for the next phase of eLearn Magazine.

I am grateful to have been able to work with the board members and the support of the ACM Senior Editor, Denise Doig. As I leave the role of Editor-in-Chief, I believe eLearn Magazine is in a great position to expand and grow its readership.


About the Author

Dr. Simone C.O. Conceição is the former Editor-in-Chief of eLearn Magazine and Professor Emerita in the Department of Administrative Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She received her doctorate in adult and distance education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests include online education, adult learning, learning design, and staff development and training. She is a learning design consultant and owner of SCOC Consulting.

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