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Just-in-time teaching (JiTT) is an effective educational strategy that enhances student engagement and personalizes learning by integrating active learning with instructional technology. This approach uses pre-class assignments to assess students' understanding, allowing instructors to tailor lessons accordingly. The JiTT method consists of designing targeted assignments, analyzing submissions to identify misconceptions, adjusting classroom activities, engaging students interactively, and gathering feedback to refine teaching strategies. While JiTT improves engagement and learning outcomes, it requires careful time management and adequate technology access for students. These challenges can be managed by gradually implementing JiTT and ensuring technological support for all students.
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This article explores the application of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in learning and development (L&D) processes, specifically for enterprise training. The author discusses how L&D practitioners can use GenAI tools to drive a complete instructional design process, including training content development and the creation of typical L&D deliverables such as training documentation development, training need analysis, course outline, and lesson plan generation as well as training material development such as presentation slides, case scenarios, assessments, and self-learning content. The article also details how to leverage the power of GenAI tools as a trainer, assessor, and expert mentor. The author also shares a nine-step approach for L&D practitioners to achieve potential time-saving benefits using GenAI to create diverse training content.
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Discussion forums have become a standard element of online courses for a variety of reasons. They provide a way for students and faculty to interact with each other and to discuss course topics effectively and efficiently. Discussions can be separated by thread, meaning multiple discussions can occur at the same time. The asynchronous nature of discussion forums allows students and faculty to review posts and contribute to discussions at any time they are able to do so. They can also meet student needs for socialization and interaction, providing them with a sense of belonging that may be otherwise difficult to achieve in an online course.
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In this interview with eLearn Magazine, Immersive Learning Research Network?s Jonathan Richter, Ed.D, discusses his work in immersive technologies and ponders what the future holds for e-Learning and beyond.
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A mastery learning model can be implemented in any level or content area using educational technology and the Modern Classrooms model to create a systematic and sustainable framework for teachers and students.
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This article introduces a comprehensive open-access online toolkit as a resource for online educators, seeking to engage in continuous improvement of their inclusive teaching practices. The toolkit was created as an output following participation in a three-semester Faculty Institute for Inclusive Excellence. Two of the developers who focus on inclusivity, equity, and culturally responsive teaching acted as mentors, contributing to the creation of the toolkit and ultimately the professional development of the primary creators. All authors have extensive experience teaching online with a minimum of 10 years facilitating online learning in adult and higher education.
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Motivated by the likely scenario that AI tutors will soon become indistinguishable from human educators, this article discusses some of the challenges and opportunities that will arise from this shift and calls for reflection on how the role of human educators could evolve in light of emerging technologies.
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